So its been a while, where to begin, 3 weeks ago my 2 neices can to live with us (gulp) and life has been hectic to say the least. All things considered we are fairing well. We have gotten through what I hoped would be the worst with the enrolling the 4 almost 5 yr old in kindergarten and changing jr highs for the 14 yr old...but having 4 chilren has certainly brought a whole new set of challenges. Like keeping enough food in the house or just driving anywhere with everyone. Getting 3 young children in the car ready to go has proven to be 10 times easier than getting the 14 year old in the car and ready to go. Then there is the fantastic opportunity to meet her 18 year old guy friend (wow, is he serious....reality check buddy she's in jr high). And that brings to mind...how exactly do you punish a fourteen yr old. You cant very well spank them or wash their mouths our with soap. But on the flip side, Maya (mine 2 1/2)and Lisette (minish 4 1/2) are the best of friends and Elvia (my live in 19 yr old sister in law) and Rosely (minish 14 year old) have paired up quite nicely as well. Poor Jose and Eric (6) have to live in this home with 5 women..so they get to escape more frequently than in the past to places where guyslike to go. Oh yeah,I havn't thrown out left overs since they move in either...in fact I don't know if I've even had left overs. At the end of the day, there is much more for me to do but the reward is there are these kids who all say, You're the best mom in the world..and you smile and say, please remember you once felt that way because one day soon you might not feel that
keep up the good work!!!
Say What? Your nieces? Fill me in, please.
Good job Rebekah - Love the pictures
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