I know, I know, it has been a while. We have been keeping busy running through leaves and other fun fall stuff. Sarah and I made apple sauce to last 2 years a couple weeks ago...then there was halloween. Lots of fun with the ages we have now. Eric is doing great in math but hates sounding out words. Lisette is the teachers pet...because she adores the teachers more than any other child. Maya has been having a blast at home playing with Evan most days. Jose is loving Annie Wright and Panera is the same ole same ole....I really love being the boss more than anything. Oh yeah and Jorge moved in (Jose's younger brother)
1 comment:
Hi Rebeckah! It's Amy (Emrich)Wood! I found your blog through Renee's then through your sisters. Your children are beautiful! HOw are you? Come visit my blog and see my girls: http://godmadeplaydough.blogspot.com
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